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九三读小说网 > 小王子 > 第十二章

第十二章 (第2/2页)

Chaptr 12

Th nxt plant as nhatd y a tpplr. Ths as a vry short vst, ut t plungd th lttl prnc nto dp djcton.

"What ar you dong thr" h sad to th tpplr, ho h found sttld don n slnc for a collcton of pty ottls and also a collcton of full ottls.

"I a drnkng," rpld th tpplr, th a lugurous ar.

"Why ar you drnkng" dandd th lttl prnc.

"So that I ay forgt," rpld th tpplr.

"Forgt hat" nqurd th lttl prnc, ho alrady as sorry for h.

"Forgt that I a ashad," th tpplr confssd, hangng hs had.

"Ashad of hat" nsstd th lttl prnc, ho antd to hlp h.

"Ashad of drnkng!" Th tpplr rought hs spch to an nd, and shut hslf up n an prgnal slnc.

And th lttl prnc nt aay, puzzld.

"Th gron-ups ar crtanly vry, vry odd," h sad to hslf, as h contnud on hs journy.
