
关灯 护眼
九三读小说网 > 小王子 > 第十三章

第十三章 (第2/2页)














Chaptr 13

Th fourth plant longd to a usnssan. Ths an as so uch occupd that h dd not vn ras hs had at th lttl prnc's arrval.

"Good ornng," th lttl prnc sad to h. "Your cgartt has gon out.""Thr and to ak fv. Fv and svn ak tlv. Tlv and thr ak fftn. Good ornng. Fftn and svn ak tnty-to. Tnty-to and sx ak tnty-ght. I havn't t to lght t agan. Tnty-sx and fv ak thrty-on. Ph! Thn that aks fv-hundrd-and-on-llon, sx-hundrd-tnty-to-thousand, svn-hundrd-thrty-on.""Fv hundrd llon hat" askd th lttl prnc.

"Eh Ar you stll thr Fv-hundrd-and-on llon— I can't stop... I hav so uch to do! I a concrnd th attrs of consqunc. I don't aus yslf th aldrdash. To and fv ak svn...""Fv-hundrd-and-on llon hat" rpatd th lttl prnc, ho nvr n hs lf had lt go of a quston onc h had askd t.

Th usnssan rasd hs had.

"Durng th ffty-four yars that I hav nhatd ths plant, I hav n dsturd only thr ts. Th frst t as tnty-to yars ago, hn so gddy goos fll fro goodnss knos hr. H ad th ost frghtful nos that rsoundd all ovr th plac, and I ad four staks n y addton. Th scond t, lvn yars ago, I as dsturd y an attack of rhuats. I don't gt nough xrcs. I hav no t for loafng. Th thrd t— ll, ths s t! I as sayng, thn, fv -hundrd-and-on llons—""Mllons of hat"

Th usnssan suddnly ralzd that thr as no hop of ng lft n pac untl h ansrd ths quston.

"Mllons of thos lttl ojcts," h sad, "hch on sots ss n th sky.""Fls"

"Oh, no. Lttl glttrng ojcts.""Bs"

"Oh, no. Lttl goldn ojcts that st lazy n to dl drang. As for , I a concrnd th attrs of consqunc. Thr s no t for dl drang n y lf.""Ah! You an th stars"

"Ys, that's t. Th stars."

"And hat do you do th fv-hundrd llons of stars""Fv-hundrd-and-on llon, sx-hundrd-tnty-to thousand, svn-hundrd-thrty-on. I a concrnd th attrs of consqunc: I a accurat.""And hat do you do th ths stars""What do I do th th"


"Nothng. I on th."

"You on th stars"


"But I hav alrady sn a kng ho—""Kngs do not on, thy rgn ovr. It s a vry dffrnt attr.""And hat good dos t do you to on th stars""It dos th good of akng rch.""And hat good dos t do you to rch""It aks t possl for to uy or stars, f any ar vr dscovrd.""Ths an," th lttl prnc sad to hslf, "rasons a lttl lk y poor tpplr..."Nvrthlss, h stll had so or qustons.

"Ho s t possl for on to on th stars""To ho do thy long" th usnssan rtortd, pvshly.

"I don't kno. To noody."

"Thn thy long to , caus I as th frst prson to thnk of t.""Is that all that s ncssary""Crtanly. Whn you fnd a daond that longs to noody, t s yours. Whn you dscovr an sland that longs to noody, t s yours. Whn you gt an da for any on ls, you tak out a patnt on t: t s yours. So th : I on th stars, caus noody ls for vr thought of onng th.""Ys, that s tru," sad th lttl prnc. "And hat do you do th th""I adnstr th," rpld th usnssan. "I count th and rcount th. It s dffcult. But I a a an ho s naturally ntrstd n attrs of consqunc."Th lttl prnc as stll not satsfd.

"If I ond a slk scarf," h sad, "I could put t around y nck and tak t aay th . If I ond a flor, I could pluck that flor and tak t aay th . But you cannot pluck th stars fro havn...""No. But I can put th n th ank.""Whatvr dos that an"

"That ans that I rt th nur of y stars on a lttl papr. And thn I put ths papr n a drar and lock t th a ky.""And that s all"

"That s nough," sad th usnssan.

"It s ntrtanng," thought th lttl prnc. "It s rathr potc. But t s of no grat consqunc."On attrs of consqunc, th lttl prnc had das hch r vry dffrnt fro thos of th gron-ups.

"I yslf on a flor," h contnud hs convrsaton th th usnssan, "hch I atr vry day. I on thr volcanos, hch I clan out vry k (for I also clan out th on that s xtnct; on nvr knos). It s of so us to y volcanos, and t s of so us to y flor, that I on th. But you ar of no us to th stars..."Th usnssan opnd hs outh, ut h found nothng to say n ansr. And th lttl prnc nt aay.

"Th gron-ups ar crtanly altogthr xtraordnary," h sad sply, talkng to hslf as h contnud on hs journy.
